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The body cavity of frogs accommodate different organ systems such as 1. digestive, 2. circulatory, 3. respiratory, 4. nervous and 5. reproductive systems with well developed structures and functions.
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Frog-Morphology & Anatomy
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  • Frogs have well organised male and female reproductive systems.
  • Male reproductive organs consist of a pair of yellowish ovoid testes which are found adhered to the upper part of kidneys by a double fold of peritoneum called mesorchium.
  • Vasa efferentia are 10-12 in number that arise from testes. They enter the kidneys on their side and open into Bidder’s canal. Finally it communicates with the urinogenital duct that comes out of the kidneys and opens into the cloaca.
  • The cloaca is a small, median chamber that is used to pass faecal matter, urine and sperms to the exterior.

  • The female reproductive organs include a pair of ovaries.
  • The ovaries are situated near kidneys and there is no functional connection with kidneys.
  • A pair of oviduct arising from the ovaries opens into the cloaca separately.
  • A mature female can lay 2500 to 3000 ova at a time.

  • Fertilisation is external and takes place in water.
  • Development involves a larval stage called tadpole. Tadpole undergoes metamorphosis to form the adult.
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